Tagesausflug nach Lübeck
5. Dezember 2021, 11:30 – 21:30
Tagesausflug nach Lübeck
…zum traditionellen Adventstreffen mit Studierenden der KHG’n aus Hamburg, Flensburg, Rostock, Kiel, Wismar und Lübeck – mit Weihnachtsmarktbesuch.
Anmeldung: Anmeldung bis zum 28.11. unter 0160-94813087 oder tragt euch direkt in die Doodle ein: https://doodle.com/poll/mcdbn29dfpbu67uv?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Zum Programm:
Wir werden nicht gemeinsam den Stadt-Weihnachtsmarkt besuchen, sd. einen eigenen kleinen Weihnachtsmarkt im Garten veranstalten. Trotzdem besteht die Möglichkeit im Vorhinein oder im Anschluss an das Adventstreffen noch mit der Gruppe aus Bremen, den Weihnachtsmarkt zu besuchen.
Day trip to Lübeck
…to the traditional Advent meeting with students of the KHG’n from Hamburg, Flensburg, Rostock, Kiel, Wismar and Lübeck – with Christmas market visit.
Registration until 28.11. under 0160-94813087 or register directly in the Doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/mcdbn29dfpbu67uv?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
About the program:
We will not visit the city Christmas market together, sd. have our own small Christmas market in the garden. Nevertheless there is the possibility to visit the Christmas market with the group from Bremen before or after the Advent meeting.
Sunday – 2nd Advent – 5.12.
Set up of the stalls: 14.30
Start: 15 o’clock in the church (not too long)
followed by Christmas market in the garden (about 1,5 h)
Mass: 17 o’clock in the church
Only those who are fully vaccinated or recovered may participate. (2G)
Before the start of the trip, everyone should test themselves (external or self-test). (2G plus)
Each KHG is invited to participate with a booth.
Lübeck is already planning various drinking and eating booths. Hamburg will be there with duck ping pong ball and can throwing. It would be nice if other KHG’s would add a booth or two.
COORDINATION: If you want to make a booth, please write me.
It is becoming apparent that we will be a smaller group. To avoid too much planning and effort, it would be good if we get some approximate numbers from you by the weekend.